
We've been Using the Internet Wrong

Our approach to the internet is based on content consumption. But we’re mostly consuming the wrong content that has no value or direct impact on our lives.

It cuts both ways. So, what type of content you’re consuming is equally important.

The internet is a vast repository of information without a doubt. So surely you can do better. All you need is a little nudge to consume the right content, not just for passing time, but for becoming a better version of yourself in terms of knowledge.

Subscribr helps you consume the right type of content in line with “your” interests. Thanks to hundreds of blog pages and podcast channels in our database, all you need to do is choose your areas of interest to be updated in that domain regularly.

You will receive personalized bulletins each week with the most recent valuable and informative content of your interests.

You can also track your progress on Digest Board, and schedule and bookmark content.

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